[2020] Some interesting Facts About Lions, Which Will blow your mind

 Although there are millions of animals in the world, but the lion's status is very different and higher than all of the animals, the lion is very powerful and stronger than all the animals, that's why the lion is also called the king of the jungle.

Facts about lions

In Today's post, we are going to tell you some interesting facts related to lions that you will be surprised to read, so I request you that you should read this post till the end because from this article you will get to know a lot about lions.

Some interesting Facts About Lions, Which Will blow your mind

1 - Lions usually prefer to live in groups, a group consists of about 15 to 20 lions and a group of lions is called pride, all the members of the group lie different responsibilities when hunting.

2 The female lion hunt in the group as the male lions protect their territory and the male lions can even give their lives to protect their group if needed.

3 Lions like to hunt from dawn to dusk, but they can also hunt at night very perfectly and after hunting every member of the herd gets meat as per the requirement, for your information let me tell you that an average lion needs 5 kilos of meat a day

4 Lions roar to maintain their dominance over their areas and the roar of the lion is so high that you can hear the roar of the lion from 5 km away.

5 The lion's eyes are blue at birth but over time the lion's eyes change from blue to brown eyes.

6 As we told you earlier, lions can hunt even in the night and do you know that lions can see 6 times more in the night than humans, with the help of which lions kill their prey very easily in the night.

7 Nature has created a lion for especially for hunting, that's the lions have white stripes under their eyes, with the help of which they can hunt even in bright light.

8 The weight of an average lion ranges from 120 to 180 kg, and despite this weight, the lion can jump up to 36 feet and run at a speed of 80 kilometres per hour.

9 Lions are called the biggest cats in the world but in fact, tigers are the biggest cats.

10 Some people believe that lions do not like water at all but in fact, there is nothing like it because lions love water very much. In summer season lions swim in water and lions are great swimmers than other cats.

11 At present, there are about 40,000 lions in the whole world and it is a matter of concern that the number of lions is decreasing day by day, If we do not save this species, then the day is not far when lions will be completely extinct from this world.

12 The lion is a symbol of strength and Belgium, Bulgaria, England, Ethiopia, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Singapore all these countries consider lions as their national symbol.

13 As we told you that the population of lions is decreasing day by day, the main reason behind this is the hunting of lions on a large scale, lion bones are used to make some traditional medicines and in view of its demand many people hunt lions

14 You will be surprised to know that about 2 thousand years ago about 10 lakh lions were found on earth and in 1940 their number was close to 4 lakh

15 The biggest thing about lions is that they always attack from behind and they directly bit the neck of their prey so that their prey dies quickly, you will be surprised to know that lions  kill an animal only when they are hungry, without hunger lions will not even nail an animal

So these were some interesting facts about lions, I hope you have liked this information, by the way, there are many other facts about lions which we will discuss in another post.

Friends, the number of lions in the world is less now, it is a threat to us and our coming generation because if the lions are completely depleted, then the balance of nature will completely deteriorate, so we should boycott all those things  Which are made of the body parts of a lion protect them, I hope that you have understood what I want to tell you

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