25 Interesting Facts About Dogs, All Of You Should Know

There is no doubt that the dog is the most loyal and most loving animal. You will find many people all over the world who love dogs very much but do you know that there are so many interesting facts about dogs that you will be completely surprised to you and now in this post i am going to share some interesting facts about dogs 
interesting facts about dogs

interesting facts about dogs upto 1 to 5

1 If you have dog , then you must have noticed one thing that dogs sometimes act like small children because a dog has the same brain as a 3 to 4 year old child.

2 Just like humans, dogs can dream, you may have noticed that many dogs run while sleeping 

3  In summer, dogs often gasp with their tongues  to maintain their  body temperature normal 

4 Dogs have a much higher hearing power than humans.  Dogs can hear up to 4 times longer than humans. 

5 The lifespan of dogs is upto 12 to 15 years, but there was a dog whose age was about 29 years, that dog's name was bluey.

interesting facts of dogs upto 6 to 10

6 Normal human sweat from almost every part of the body but do you know that dogs have sweat glands on their paws, due to which dogs do not sweat from any other part of the body except their paws

7 You will be surprised to know that dogs are descendants of wolves, and that is why you will find many similarities between dogs and wolves.

8 You must all know that dogs have a much higher smelling ability than humans. But do you know that average dog has  10,000 times more smelling ability than humans 

9 Whether you live in an icy area or in a desert area, you  get to see dogs very easily because dogs help in every way to keep humans alive, And perhaps that's why humans have kept dogs with them for centuries.

10 The brain of a dog develop as much as a 3-year-old child and  when you scold your dog, he sits angry like a small child 

cool facts about dogs upto 11 to 15 

11 The first animal was sent into space was a dog and that dog's name was laika. It was a suicide mission for laika and it was impossible to get back from space due to which laika died in space.

12 Dogs can guess whether you are happy or sad by looking at your facial expressions. 

13 You can not make a dog as a  pet in Iceland.  If you do this, then  legal action can also be taken against you.

14 Just like humans, dogs can also be obese but this is rarely seen. but if you go western countries then you will find many dogs in western countries that are as fat as humans.

15 No matter how much you love your dog but if you open the door of the house, then your dog will immediately runs away from home and i still do not understand why dogs do this but And it seems quite funny. In such a situation you should pretend to get hurt by lying on the ground.  Your dog will see you and come to you immediately

interesting facts of dogs upto 16 to 20 

16 Both humans and dogs are very fond of chocolates But do you know that chocolate can be very harmful for dogs? If not, then make sure that you never give your dog chocolates to eat. 

17 Although the relationship between humans and dogs is quite old, but according to an estimate humans started keeping dogs with them around 30,000 thousand years ago. 

18 There are four types of blood of humans (O, A, B, AB ) but there are 13 types of blood of dogs. 

19 Whether you consider your dog as your family member or not but in a research, it has been proved that dogs consider their owner as part of their family and like humans, the dogs also have feelings and therefore the dog may become depressed on seeing its owner in difficulty.

20 As we told you earlier that dogs are descendants of wolves but do you know that the DNA of dogs get matched up to 99% of the DNA of wolves and that's why dogs look like wolves

interesting facts of dogs upto 21 to 25

21 Many people believed that dogs can only see brown color, but modern research has revealed that dogs can see many different colors, although dogs have less ability to see colors than humans. 

22 Dogs are completely blind at birth, but dogs use their nose as heat sensor to detect that where is their mother. 

23 Pitbull is the most dangerous dog in the world and this is why Pitbull is banned in many countries, it means if you have a Pitbull, then legal action can be taken against you. 

24 Basenji is only and only one breed of dogs that cannot bark if you want a dog that does not make much noise, then this dog will be the best for you.

25 Dogs can understand the Earth's magnetic field and that is why they can find their home from anywhere. 

 these were  the some interesting facts about these dogs, we hope you will like our post. If you have any question about any fact in your mind, then you can ask us by commenting in the comment box. I wil surely reply you 

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