Cool and interesting facts about cats, which will surprise you

There is no doubt that cats are very cute and most loving animals all-over the world and everyone loves cats because of their cuteness

If you are reading this post then you surely have a cat which you love the most and that's you have come to know some interesting facts about cats, I request everyone that you should read this post till the end because this post is going to be very interesting for cat lover's 

interesting facts about cats 1 to 5

1 Cats love to sleep,  a normal cat can sleep for 13 to 14 hours a day, cats spends up to 60 to 70 percent of their life in sleeping . If you have cat in your house , then you may be well aware about that how much cats love to sleep.

2 If you are a cat lover then you will be sad to know that more than 4 million cats are killed and eaten every year in China. 

3 There are different perceptions worldwide about cats, in japan cats are considered auspicious and in India cats are considered unsuspicious

4 It sounds funny to hear this, but it is absolutely true that in america more than 60,000 people get injured every year by bites 

5 On the internet you will find lot of pictures of cats, but do you know that most of the cats in those photos are dead now

 facts about cats 5 to 10

6 As you all know, people have a lot of superstition in their mind towards cats. But do you know that superstitions about cats started in Iraq

7 People like cats more than other animals and that's why there are 600 million cats in the all over the world and the number of cats will increase more in the future.

8  Nothing will happen if cat fall from a height, because cat can survive even after falling from a 30-storey building. 

9 Cats can see everything clearly in the darkness, even you can say that cats have a night vision, but in case of colors cat's are far behind then humans, becouse cats can only see green and blue color it's means cat's can't see others shades of colours

10 You won't believe this, but it is true that one cat will never say meow to another cat , cats use meow only for humans. 

cool facts about cats 11 to 15 

11 Cats have more bones than humans, a normal human has 206 bones in body and whereas cats have 230 bones in body 

12 Cats can jump very high and even cats can jump upto 7 to 10 times higher than their height. this is quite interesting 

13 Cats have 15 times more smelling power than humans. 

14 Cats sweat only with their paws because cats have sweat glands are only on the paws. Apart from cats dogs have sweat glands on their paws, due to which dogs and cat's do not sweat from any other part of the body except their paws

15  Cats can detect any type of vibration, it is believed that cats know about earthquake even before an earthquake. So cat moves itself to a safe place. 

interesting facts about cats 16 to 20 

16  Cats have more hearing power than dogs. Whether you believe it or not, but this fact is absolutely true

17  did you notice that cats never move their heads while running, It is common to move head while running.  Both dogs and humans do this, but cats never move their heads while running 

18 Cat love cleaning itself, whether it is a stray cat or a pet cat, cats always clean their body with the help of their tongue and this is daily routine of cats

19 It is very difficult for humans to drink saline water but this does not apply to cat's, the kidneys of cats have ability to filter saline water very easily.

20 Ancient Egyptians love cats very much and they consider cats to be Gods and they worship cats and even they could kill anyone for cats.

cool facts about cats 21 to 25 

21 Cats cannot taste sweet because they do not have sweet receptors on the tongue

22 You should never give cats to eat chocolate at all because a cat can die by eating chocolate , in simple words we can say that  chocolate can becomes death cause of cats whether you  believe it or not but it is fact 

23 Cats are the most rearing animals in the world after dogs. The number of cats in the whole world is 600 million which is quite high in itself.

24 There is a belief in people's minds that cats are afraid of dogs, but this is not the true at all rather cats are more dangerous and aggressive than dogs, cats always ready to fight with dogs

25  All cats have very beautiful tails that makes cats even more beautiful but do you know that cats use their tails to maintain balance while jumping or climbing, 

I hope you have liked these interesting facts about cats, there are many more interesting facts about cats, which i will tell you in the other post, if you have any questions or suggestions about any facts in your mind then you can comment in the comment  box, we will surely reply to your comment.

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